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Nutrition articles

Confused about what to eat? We're not surprised because there's a lot of conflicting and misleading information out there: do I eat carbs after dark? Will eating fat make me fat? What are the best foods for weight loss? We have articles that explain a common sense approach to healthy eating for successful weight loss that doesn't follow fads or extreme measures


Optimal nutrition for health & weight loss: our guidelines for good nutrition & weight loss

Metabolism and weight loss: learn how your metabolism can be your best fat burning friend!

Good drinks & bad drinks: the best forms of hydration for weight loss

Caffeine / coffee: the effects of caffeine on your health and fitness training

The calories in coffee: how skinny is your latte?

Alcohol and weight loss: alcohol intake might be why you can't lose weight!

Death by sugar: sounds dramatic but it's true

Go for whole grains to avoid middle aged spread!

Do French women really get fat: how can you lose weight eating crossaints?!

CSIRO diet gets a grilling: nutritionists question this popular diet

Energy in v energy out: get the balance right for weight loss

Great snack ideas: we need to snack but learn how to keep your diet healthy

The glycemic index: a fantastic way of eating healthy carbs without sugar spikes

Creatine phosphate: it's uses and effects on your training

Margarine vs butter: which is healthier to eat?

The slow food movement: getting back to basics in food and life

The power of protein: unleash this on your diet for great weight loss results

Are organic foods really better for us?

Guidelines for vegetarians: learn to get the right nutrition as a vegetarian

Even if it's healthy watch your serve size!

Nutrition macronutrients: the building blocks of a good healthy diet

Should we be carbophobic?!

New food pyramid in America: a revision of the food pyramid

Don't skip breakfast for weight loss: miss breakfast and you're more likely to gain weight

Just for laughs: fitness & diet jokes

Super sized portions make us gain weight: cut down the quantity of food to lose weight

Obesity an Australian public health threat

Fast Food Nation: a look at this controversial film about making fast food


The health, fitness & nutrition content displayed on these pages is for information and educational purposes only. It does not replace, nor should it be considered an alternative to, a medical consultation. Always consult a doctor, personal trainer, or other health professional before beginning an exercise program. All content copyright Complete Personal Fitness Training Manly Sydney NSW 2004 & 2005.

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